Sorry it's been a while since I last wrote a blog but one horrible dental problem put me into relapse. I had to wait over 6 months before I could have the appropriate treatment and then it took a long time to recover. Those of you with M.E. will know that any second infection can cause a relapse and we are very slow to recover.
So the first misconception is that I haven't disappeared and I haven't stopped writing poetry.
Over many years I've written countless poems about M.E. in order to try and dispel the misunderstanding and misconceptions about my illness.
In this blog I want to explore some of the MYTHS AND MISCONCEPTIONS surrounding M.E.
The following are some statements made about M.E. and underneath each statement I share with you one or more of my poems to try and dispel that myth or misconception. You will also find a quote and links to further information.
M.E. is not real - or "all in your head"
– Dr. Anthony Komaroff, Harvard University
FACT: ME/CFS has very clear and proven biological (not psychological) traits,
which include the following (as well as dozens of other measurable traits):
- Low natural killer (NK) cell cytotoxicity and compromised immune response
- Abnormal brain scans
- Abnormal cognitive-evoked EEG brain maps
- Up-regulated 2-5A antiviral pathways
- Prominent activation of pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines
- Measureable reduced aerobic work capacity
- Abnormal gut microbiome diversity
- Metabolomics and bioenergetics abnormalities
- Cardiovascular abnormalities
We are not lazy
We don't look sickThe French Femme