My blogs are a bit like buses. You wait for ages for one to come along and then they all seem to come at once!
This is a special blog to coincide with International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women on 25th November and 16 days of activism.
As someone who has suffered domestic violence and also suffers from chronic illness I want to help raise awareness. I prefer the term domestic abuse because it's not just physical. The psychological and emotional abuse is just as bad and some, like myself, may say it's even worse.
I was pleased to learn that Home Secretary Theresa May is expected to announce new powers which will put psychological abuse on a par with physical violence.
This is a promising step forward in the recognition of the damage that this sort of domestic abuse can cause.
Domestic violence and abuse can affect men as well as women but the facts and figures show that women are more at risk.
If the person is also disabled the abuse may be even worse.
As a disabled woman I feel that I have experienced abuse longer than if I was well and healthy. It's harder to escape and start over again.
I have written and dedicated a poem to all those who suffer and have suffered like myself. This poem could apply to someone who has a chronic illness like M.E. or who is a victim of domestic abuse or even both
I’ve lost my way
And what was me
You’ve taken my
You’ve drained all of
My energy
You’ve consumed my
You've hurt and caused
Me injury
You’ve denied me
My liberty
You’ve left me in
This poverty
And so lonely
Away from friends
And family
You’ve cheated and
Then lied to me
You’ve taken all
Control of me
You’ve poisoned me
You’ve sucked the
All out of me
There’s left only
A shell of me
If you are a victim of domestic abuse get help today, talk to someone, learn more and above all don't suffer in silence.
I know it's far from easy. But if I can do it so can you!
I have lost a lot BUT I'm starting to fight back and to find myself again. My next blog will be about what I've found.....
A bientot
From the French Femme xxx